Products that burn fat. What foods burn fat?


           To such components of the human body as fats, many people have long developed a persistent negative attitude. This is especially true of the beautiful half of humanity. Even reasonable arguments about the need for lipids for the formation of hormones can not persuade opponents of this category of organic substances: the vast majority of women dream, by all means, get rid of the hated fat in their body. With this goal, it is appropriate to introduce into your daily diet food-fat burners. The benefit of these exists a lot. So what foods burn fat?

Products that burn fat: fruits

To begin the review of the delicacies destroying an excessive quantity of lipids in an organism, follows from acquaintance with juicy fruits. The fact is that among them there are quite effective in relation to fat burning, copies, which simply do not exist.
A pineapple. It has a famous bromelain. It is an enzyme that can perfectly break down fats. Its effect extends even to long-term fatty deposits. In addition, pineapple is rich in fiber, which improves metabolism.
Grapefruit. Extremely low-calorie product containing only 35 kcal. Perfectly and for a long time satisfies the feeling of hunger, reduces appetite. Thanks to grapefruit, it is possible to lose up to 2 kg of extra weight in 3 months without physical exertion. It is enough to eat 1/2 bitter citrus per day.
Apples. They represent a rich source of pectin – soluble fiber, which discourages eating something delicious in the intervals between basic meals.
Avocado. It controls appetite and promotes fat burning, which is due to vitamin E and amino acid L-carnitine. Although the calorie content of the product is quite high: more than 200 kcal.
Kiwi. Famous for its huge amount of ascorbic acid, which not only breaks down fats, but also triggers the production of collagen in the skin.
Lemon. Its juice allows you to get rid of fat, because it blocks the absorption by the body of lipids from food. In addition, lemon is a storehouse of organic acids, and this is almost the best fat burners after antioxidants.


Products that burn fat: vegetables

Onion and garlic. Saturated phytoncides, due to which the weight is normalized and the immunity is inexorably increased. In addition, they contain a lot of microelement of selenium, which has antioxidant properties.
Cucumbers. Can boast the presence of a large amount of water. A liquid, by the way, speeds up metabolism and cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. Thus cucumbers are very low-calorie food product.
Tomatoes. The composition of juicy tomatoes is a unique substance lycopene – an antioxidant by nature, splits fats and prevents the development of malignant tumors.
Zucchini and zucchini. Two of these vegetable cultures save the body from excess water, from stagnation of moisture in tissues, often looking like fat deposits. Calories in these products are incredibly small.
Red beetroot. This is a good laxative that gives a mild effect. Beetroot is rich in pectin and coarse fiber, because it cleanses the body of toxins. Among other things, root crops reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.


Products that burn fat: spices

They should be added to food, and some can be dissolved in water and taken in the form of useful slimming drinks.
Ginger root. It increases the excretion of the stomach by digestive juice, improves the blood supply of the body, increases the metabolic rate. All these factors, acting in a friendly tandem, provoke a rapid destruction of fat cells and, as a consequence, weight loss. The secret of ginger in essential oils, of which the product contains plenty.
Cinnamon. Aromatic spice inhibits the accumulation of lipids, that is, the deposition of fat in reserve in the tissues of the body. This is due to a decrease in blood glucose. In order to lose weight, it is good to eat a cinnamon-honey drink that causes excess fat to melt immediately: pour in 1/2 tsp. Spices with a glass of boiling water, add 1 tsp. Honey, mix.
Mustard. It improves appetite, but at the same time stimulates the process of producing gastric juice, which greatly improves digestion. The mustard also affects positively the rate of metabolism.
Horseradish. At the root of this plant are enzymes that have a powerful fat burning effect. Spice is actual in dishes from meat and fish – it improves their taste.
Red hot chilli pepper. It contains a component of capsaicin. This antioxidant perfectly fights not only with free radicals that cause aging and cancer, but also with cells of adipose tissue.


Products that burn fat: berries

Raspberries succeeded in breaking down fats. Nature endowed this berry with enzymes, enzymes, one of the functions of which is just the translation of cells of adipose tissue into energy. Enzymes also improve the digestive process. For weight loss it is useful to eat raspberries before the main meal, for half an hour, in the amount of 1/2 cup.
Coping with the excess weight of blackberries. It is a very watery berry with a lot of anthocyanins, whose list of duties includes fat burning. In addition, blackberry berries quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger.
You can not ignore the blueberry. It also contains anthocyanins, as well as pectin compounds. True, the use of blueberries in large quantities can give an undesirable effect in the form of constipation, so be careful.
Cranberries are a source of vitamin C. It stimulates the formation of collagen fibers. For this reason, promotes fat burning, which does not affect the proteins, that is, muscle tissue, after the lipids and carbohydrates run out.
Gorgeous fat burning effect has blueberry. It is similar in many respects to blueberries, so it is not worth eating juicy fruits in large quantities.


Animal products that burn fat

So far we have talked about delicacies for weight loss, which are of vegetable origin. It’s time to get acquainted with animal products of a similar action.
This is primarily sour-milk delicacies and drinks. With excess fats cheesy cheeses cope – for example, from sheep’s milk; Fat-free yogurt, enriched with lacto- and bifidobacteria (the so-called “living product”); Skim curd, which includes lipotropic substances that have the ability to reduce fat in the liver and remove these excess from the body.
Promotes weight loss due to the cleavage of adipose tissue cells by regular consumption of fillets of fish of the Salmonidae family. Ideally, of course, you should eat meat of the salmon, but not everyone can afford such a pleasure. In any case, red fish contains quite a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, two of which – docosahexane and eicosapentaenoic – increase the metabolic rate and prevent the formation of fatty deposits. Well, and, of course, this is an excellent source of mineral substances.
Form your diet with the products for fat burning, and soon your weight will return to normal.

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